Programme 2016-2017


Chorégraphies 1ère heure
Chorégraphies 2ème heure
1. All about a woman 2. Crash and burn 1. Come on down 2. Heavenly Cha
3. The long way home 4. Montains to the sea 3. Tell the world 4. Blue lights Chasing
5. My new life 6. Everybody Know 5. Look Around 6. Million Dollar
7. Indian sound 8. Piano man 7. Bring Down The House 8. Blue ain’t yoir color
9. Just a girl 10. My Gypsy Queen 9. Overrated 10. A country High
11. Stop staring at my eyes 12. The Harverster 11. Sofia 12. Lucky me
13. Do it in heels 14. Gin and Tonic 13. Stay all night 14. Lay Down and Dance
15. Celtic Na La 16. Don’t Really Matter 15. Amame
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